8:00h. Arrival & registration 

8:30h Welcome 

Manel Balcells, Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia; Ramon Salazar, Director General, Catalan Institute of Oncology; Angela Ciobanu, Officer, WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs; Lilia Olefir, Director, Smoke Free Partnership. 

Conductors: Cristina Martínez, Catalan Institute of Oncology/WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control, CIBER Respiratory Diseases, University of Barcelona, Spain & Joan B. Soriano, Hospital La Princesa, Autonomous University of Madrid, CIBER Respiratory Diseases, Spain. 

9:00h. Opening conference

Tobacco Control to Tobacco Endgame: The shift is happening now.

Ruth Malone, University of California San Francisco, USA (in video conference).

9:30h. Session 1. Together towards the tobacco endgame.

  • Akaki Zoidze, Former member of the Parliament of Georgia, WHO consultant, Georgia
  • Allen Gallagher, University of Bath, UK
  • Hanna Ollila, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
  • Raquel Fernández, Nofumadores.org, Spain

Moderator: Cristina Martínez, ICO-IDIBELL

11:00h. Session 2. Tobacco control policies: taking stock and next steps.

  • Adriana Blanco, FCTC Secretariat, Switzerland
  • Hebe Gouda, WHO Tobacco Free Initiative, Switzerland
  • Constantine Vardavas, University of Crete, Greece

Moderator: Franciso Rodríguez-Lozano, Former President, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention

12:15h. Finger lunch & networking break

13:30h. Session 3. People for making things happen.

  • Angela Ciobanu – WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs
  • Laurent Huber, ASH US, Washington, USA
  • Armando Peruga – ICO-IDIBELL, CIBERES, Barcelona, Spain

Moderator: Lilia Olefir, Smoke Free Partnership, Brussels, Belgium

15:00 Session 4. The Tobacco Control Scale 2022

  • Luk Joossens, Smokefree Partnership, Brussels, Belgium
  • Ariadna Feliu, WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control, ICO-IDIBELL, Spain

Moderators: Chloé Momas, Smokefree Partnership, Brussels, Belgium

16:00h. Closing conference

Tobacco control policies in the 21st century: achievements and open challenges.

Esteve Fernández, Catalan Institute of Oncology/WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control, CIBER Respiratory Diseases, University of Barcelona, Spain

16:30 Take-home messages & Symposium’s closing

Joan B Soriano & Cristina Martínez, Conductors of the Symposium; Esteve Fernández, Chair of the Symposium, Carmen Cabezas, Secretary of Public Health, Government of Catalonia